Although the products listed on our website are a very good representation of what we sell, our product line is always expanding and your item may not be listed. Simply contact us and we’ll check with our extensive network of suppliers to see if we can find what you’re looking for.
Go to the Become a Customer page and complete the form. This fast and easy form will facilitate the creation of your new account. Customer Service will get back to you within 2 business days to review your needs.
Go to the Become a Supplier page and complete the form. This information will help Totally Nuts determine if a new business relationship is feasible for both parties. Thank you for your interest in Totally Nuts.
Our payment terms are typically Net 30 days. However, we strive to meet the specific needs of each customer, and are open to discussion of terms prior to the finalization of each sale.
If you are an existing customer, please call, email or fax in your order to the Order Desk as per usual (please note all orders are subject to final confirmation by Totally Nuts). If you are a new customer go to the Become a Customer page, complete the form and Customer Service will contact you within 2 business days.
At this time, we are not taking or processing any orders on line.
We sell our products by the case in various formats ( i.e.10 kgs, 25 lbs, 44 lbs, 50 lbs). Therefore, customers should be comfortable buying product(s) in these formats. For delivery, we prefer quantities of 20 cases as a minimum. However, customers willing to pick up from our warehouse may order as little as 3 -5 cases at a time.
Yes. We deliver to most areas of Canada and the United States. We work with various reliable transport companies to ensure the timely delivery of your order. This service applies to both LTL and FTL shipments. Please contact us for further details.
Yes. We use public warehouses on both the east and west coasts of the US to facilitate deliveries to our US customers. US customers may also pick up from these locations. Please contact us for further information regarding our US warehouse facilities.
Sorry, but no, we do not. We sell to wholesalers, distributors, bakeries, processors and others. We purchase our products in large quantities and sell by the case, and are therefore not equipped to sell to the general public.